Author Topic: Flat Files Keywords Different, Image Integration vs Batch Preprocessing Script  (Read 1911 times)

Offline gsedun

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  • Posts: 8
Hi All - like many others, I've had a hard time to get the BPP Script to recognize Master Flat Files created with Image Cal/Image Integration vs letting the BPP Script generate the Master Flats.  I discovered that the BPP includes IMAGETYP, FILTER, XBINNING AND YBINNING Keywordsin the FITS Header and the Image Cal/Image Integration method does not include these Keywords, which leads to problems trying to use them in the BPP Script, it appears.  I've tried for hours to get the names to match perfectly but to no avail.     I know I can ADD CUSTOM FILES but that is a band-aid solution. 

Any solution to get the ImageCal/ImageInt to add these Keywords?

