After a couple hundred hours of watching tutorials, reading, and experimenting with countless processes and parameters (I live alone and have no life
), I'm absolutely amazed at the power of this software. I've been able to get some very surprising images out of data that I assumed was completely unusable.
With that said...
Making a simple star mask is mind-numbingly complex and frustrating. I've messed around with the star mask tool until I have nightmares about it, and I still have no clue what it's doing. Every parameter seems to affect every other parameter, and it's completely unpredictable. Just when I think I have it figured out...the next time I use the saved process, it's nowhere close to what I expected.
Setting a large scale of 1 more often than not gives me ugly square stars...unless I change some other parameter. Then suddenly large scale doesn't seem to do anything at all. Truncation works great to solidify the star centers; until it unpredictably changes the overall size. Sometimes adjusting the midtones can be used to filter out smaller stars...until it doesn't because of some other parameter. The only parameters I've gotten to work predictably are the noise level and smoothness, and I have never been able to get compensation and small scale to make any noticeable difference at all.
Why all the complexity and interaction between parameters? How about just clicking any two stars in an image, and saying "give me a mask of all stars between these two diameters". Add in a truncation parameter that doesn't affect the star's size (diameter), keep the smoothness parameter as it is, and you're pretty much there. (Being able to click on stars to exclude or include them on the fly before finalizing the mask, similar to the way DBE works, would be a nice bonus). Three mouse clicks and you pull out a mask that is basically a duplicate of a range of selected stars, or adjust truncation and smoothness as desired first. Done.
The range mask is nice, and I'm learning quite a few other tricks for mask creation using some of the MS processes, luminance masks, etc. But making a simple, accurate star mask is still incredibly tedious and WAYYYY more time consuming than it needs to be. Granted I've barely scratched the surface of PI's capabilities, but I probably spend 80% of my processing time trying to make masks, and the other 20% on color calibration, deconvolution, detailing, noise reduction, and everything else.
Ok.. rant off. This software is amazing and I'm seriously impressed every time I use it. But please, please give us a better star mask tool.