Author Topic: Image Statistics does not track on changes in Blink  (Read 1901 times)

Offline adkooiman

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Image Statistics does not track on changes in Blink
« on: 2017 March 11 07:02:42 »
Dear all,

In some of my workflows, I used to evaluate flats using Blink together with Statistics.
Problem: the values displayed in Statistics does not track on changes made in the Blink selection.

For example, changes in the Blink file selection affects the BlinkScreen, following the ScreenTransformationFunction
settings when its 'Track View' has been checked, which is very nice.

It would be great if all values in Statistics also got refreshed upon image selection in Blink.

Attached you will find a screenshot of my workflow.

Software engineer with a passion for wedding photography, offshore sailing, audiophile and astronomy.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Image Statistics does not track on changes in Blink
« Reply #1 on: 2017 March 16 02:47:03 »
Hi Ad,

Yes, this is a limitation of the current Blink implementation. For performance reasons, the process does not broadcast ImageUpdated notifications on the platform when the BlinkScreen image is modified. Doing that at 10 frames per second, for example, would generate a severe bottleneck. Without a notification sent, the Statistics tool does not know when the image has been modified, and hence does not calculate new statistics.

I'll think on a reasonable way to overcome this limitation. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline adkooiman

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Re: Image Statistics does not track on changes in Blink
« Reply #2 on: 2017 March 21 12:53:59 »
Hi Juan,

Thanks for taking your time to look at this issue.

And yes, I can imagine that this is not relevant at 10 frames per second, but an option to select one item in the list
'somehow' and 'track statistics' would be great. Or, when loading all images, provide an option to take the statistics
for each image in memory cache, which will make it easy to track with the selected item in the list after all images are loaded.

With kind regards,
Software engineer with a passion for wedding photography, offshore sailing, audiophile and astronomy.