Author Topic: StarAlignment output for Drizzle  (Read 937 times)

Offline rjbokleman

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StarAlignment output for Drizzle
« on: 2017 February 28 09:07:14 »
I have a bug/wish list item for DrizzleIntegration or perhaps its more of an issue with StarAlignment after which one runs the DrizzleIntegration.

If you do a StarAlignment on one computer and select Generate drizzle data, the resulting files created appear to have some hard coded paths in them.

How do I know that?

If I then copy the output of my Registration folder aka StarAlignment to another PC (much FASTER machine than my laptop with more RAM, etc) and attempt to run DrizzleIntegration...DrizzleIntegration cannot locate the files and fails.

I know because the paths displayed reference their original locations on the previous machine.  Can we get a fix for this??