Hi Sander,
I hear what you are saying
It is just that I sometimes really 'hate' not being able to do something
I even went to night school, just to get a little diploma on being able to 'Program in C', because I refused to be beaten. But, I really have hated C ever since (but, then again, I now hate Basic - in its 'VB' incarnation - just as much
I suppose we have to accept that the increase in capabilities of PCs nowadays must be commensurate with an increase in complexity of the software. But I do sometimes hanker back to my trusty old BBC Acorn Microcomputer, with its Motorola 6500 processor and 'instant-on' ROM-based OS, with a fantastic implementation of BASIC and pure assembler. I even wrote, from scratch, a program that would decode, and display, the weather satellite information broadcast on VHF from the NOAA satellites, using the built-in A/D converter of the Beeb. I doubt I could even create code to 'find' the Mic In port of a PC nowadays, either in C or Basic for that matter !!
Yes, PJSR does have its idiosyncrasies (lots of them !!), but at least I didn't have to worry about 'compilation' or 'linking' et al. I just 'poached' somone elses Script and started modifying it to achieve MY aims - and every time I pressed <F9> something would happen (perhaps not always what I expected, or wanted of course !). I just was able to keep my script development moving onwards.
Of course, my CMYK deBayer Script would have stagnated had Juan not pointed out solutions to my (many) errors, most of which - it has to be said - were related back to OOP problems, and the fact that I just cannot keep my head above that particular quagmire.
Anyhow - I ought to get back to my PJSR modifications, which will hopefully create a 'front-end' GUI to allow Image Reduction to be applied to partial, or complete, image data sets (Lights, Darks, Flats, FlatDarks, BiasOffsets, etc.)