Author Topic: Batch processing Merge CFA  (Read 2034 times)

Offline Jean

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Batch processing Merge CFA
« on: 2017 January 08 07:34:35 »

Posted the same question in 'Release' forum but no answers until now. So maybe this is a better place...??

I have OSC CCD. I start processing the subs as CFA files. In order to calibrate the split CFA subs (CFA0, CFA1, CFA2 and CFA3) I use the Split CFA process who put all subs in the 4 different CFA folders. After calibrating the subs in each CFA folder I would like to merge the calibrated subs of each folder to recreate the CFA subs in order to debayer them in calibrated RGB subs. The 'Merge CFA' process allows only to merge one image at the time. How can I proceed to 'Batch merge' the calibrated and splitted CFA subs?
Thx a lot!