Author Topic: Saving only one or some processes  (Read 4788 times)

Offline bitli

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Saving only one or some processes
« on: 2009 March 08 06:05:49 »

It seems that I am your main source of work, these days:-)

Anyhow, is there a chance tha t we can save only a subset of the process (as was discussed in in the near future (or did I miss it). Ideally saving the selected icons.

It would be especially useful for beginners, as we make a lot of trials and would like to save one or a couple of processes wtihout having to delete all others or having to save all the not yet so good processes.

As I am at it, I think it would be nice to somewhat higlight the process icon being edited (or maybe  having the name of the icon in the title of the interface window or maybe a line between the process icon and the window). I tend to forget which icon I just double clicked (just getting old), and sometime accidentally work on saved values I did want to keep.

Have a clear sky,

Offline Niall Saunders

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Saving sub-sets of the Process Icons group
« Reply #1 on: 2009 March 28 10:23:17 »
Hi All,

What about this as a thought . . . .

Why can't we save Process Icons on a 'per workspace' basis.

Which means we could also load  a Process Icon set to a 'specific' workpsace.

We still have the ability to 'Merge' process Icons when loading - that is useful and should not be dropped.

But, along with my request for the ability to save the ENTIRE PixInsight environment, there is a definite advantage in being able to save a sequence of processes that 'worked' on the image that a novice might be working on.

Further, beginners should be encouraged to 'add comments' to their Process Instances, especially if their process sequence involves 'splitting' and 'combining' channels - i.e. their work-flow is not an un-branched, linear, work-flow. Once you have 'branches' it can be quite difficult to remember what suddenly happened to get 'extra' images appearing, or what was used to recombine a set of images.

Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
Aberdeen, UK

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Offline bitli

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Saving only one or some processes
« Reply #2 on: 2009 March 29 05:27:53 »
Indeed the way to access comments is somewhat complciated (I think this as already mentionned somewhere).

In addition to the regular comment, the script editor can create text files. Accessing that function is also a little bit long. It would be nice to be able to have either the psm comment field or some text file easily editable (for example as an icon, menu or short cut).  I like to write notes on what I am doing, and it is pretty annoying to switch between PI and Notepad, especially that PI is usually in full screen mode.

But I can live with it :-)
