Author Topic: Using BPP for multiple nights?  (Read 2254 times)

Offline Droogie2001

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Using BPP for multiple nights?
« on: 2016 December 19 06:54:17 »

I am close to purchasing this amazing product but I am just trying some last minute tests before my trial runs out.

My first post so apologies if this is a regular question but I have tried searching to see if there is already an answer to this.

My question is. I would like to run Batch Pre-Processing script on multiple frames taken over different nights.

I am using a CCD so my Darks are all at a set temperature. The lights frames range over different filters as well as having Flat frames for each type.
There are also some images post meridian flip.

What is the preferred way to approach this. Do I deal with each filter and night as a separate BPP to give me the calibarated files?
If so what then? How do I then approach the Star Alignment with these calibrated files?

Or can I place all of the relevant files into BPP and run it! I have to say I suspect this will not work but I thought I would ask the question.

Many Thanks

Offline vicent_peris

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Re: Using BPP for multiple nights?
« Reply #1 on: 2016 December 19 11:02:25 »

There are several approaches. This is the first one:

- Put in BPP all the images for the first night.
- Select one of the lights as registration reference. You can do it by double clicking on the file name in the light list.
- Run BPP.
- Once finished, you'll see that the interface is updated with the master calibration frames.
- Clear the flat and light lists. Add the flats and lights for the second night.
- Change the output directory.
- Preserve the registration reference from the first run. This way, all the images will be aligned to the same image.

The second approach:

- Put in BPP all the bias and darks.
- To add flats and lights, add them through the "Add custom" button. You should add flats and lights of the same night in the emerging menu. Change the filter name to its original name plus the date (for instance, Blue_20161122). This way, BPP will associate these lights to the flats acquired in the same night. You should do the same for each filter and each night.
- Set the output directory and registration reference.
- Run BPP.

In both cases, you should manually integrate all the image to have the master lights. Anyway, this is always highly recommendable.

Best regards,

Offline Droogie2001

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Re: Using BPP for multiple nights?
« Reply #2 on: 2016 December 19 15:01:29 »
Thanks for that, I will give both options a try.  :)