I checked, in detail, that zero band at the top of the image. It isn't really zero, except in the R channel. (Hint?!) The values are consistently down at R = 0, G = 0.013, B = 0.012. Perhaps there is a peculiarity in the algorithm whenever there is a solid zero in only one color channel?
I also went to the ultimate documentation -- the GitHub repository, and found the source code for MS. There is a parameter, called "clip" that I guessed might be related to that "Clipping Fraction" shown in the control dialog panel. Mine has never been touched, and resides at 0.00005 (pretty small). I tried setting it to zero, and got the same kind of results. But then, I noticed that the algorithm is re-scaling the image to exclude anything beneath that level, and renormalizing by the range (1 - clip).
So, I took a look at the image statistics and estimated Median - 3*MAD and put that into the Clipping Fraction box - and lo and behold - the image stretched pretty nicely. Better than ever before.
So it appears that Clipping Fraction is an important control.
- DM