Author Topic: BPP Script Flat/Light Groups by Date Ranges  (Read 1886 times)

Offline Warhen

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BPP Script Flat/Light Groups by Date Ranges
« on: 2016 November 21 12:02:07 »
Juan, hey! A client of IP4AP asked me about separate calibration groupings for processing contemporaneous lights/flats as he's wanting to move from DSS (DeepSkyStacker) to PI.

I stated "Although I've not tested the following in PI, I believe it will work. Using Add Custom's 'Filter Name' field, create a flat set and a light set of the same name, perhaps based on the date range (i.e. Red_11_21-16). BPP is supposed to be capable of matching those flats to those lights. If not, you'd simply need to perform separate runs of BPP or ImageCalibration for each date range."

The client told me that "DSS does allow you to point flats of varying date ranges to lights of the same time periods by the use of grouping. You can put data common to all nights of imaging such as bias and darks, into a  first group (Group 1) and then the multiple nights of lights into subsequent individual groups after the first group (Group 1). So, lights and flats from night 1 would go into Group 2.  Lights and flats for night 2 would go into Group 3  – and so on. Anything in Group 1 (darks, bias) would be applied to all these subsequent groups by default."

I thought this would be a nice addition to BPP. Thank you. 
Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller