Author Topic: "Instance information": fewer steps to edit info.  (Read 5276 times)

Offline David Serrano

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"Instance information": fewer steps to edit info.
« on: 2009 February 20 10:31:14 »

Currently, to edit a process icon information, one has to do this:

1.- Click on the tiny document icon (4x4 pixels or so ;)) that appears in the bottom right of the process icon. After doing this, a rather unique window appears, unique in the sense that I think this is the only place where it exists.
2.- Click on the blue arrow at the top right of this window. (The result of these two steps can also be achieved by right-clicking the process icon and selecting "Edit instance information"). The "unique" window goes away and a new one appears.
3.- Click the "Edit" buton. New window.
4.- Actually edit the instance information.
5.- Click "Ok" to close the last window (appeared in step 3).
6.- Click "Ok" to close the former window (appeared in step 2).

It takes 3 clicks to edit the information, and 2 to close the intervening windows.

I think that the "unique" window isn't needed, since it doesn't provide any extra functionality. When clicking on the tiny document icon, the window that appears in step 2 could be directly shown. The "unique" window only has two elements the user can interact with: the blue arrow and the red "X", and that functionality can be mapped to the buttons "Edit" and "Ok" of the step-2 window.

Also, when performing step 3, the step-2 window could automatically go away, so the user only has to click "Ok" once to finish editing the information. The "Discard changes" of the step-2 window could be removed since it's nearly useless too.

Thus, the proposed work flow would be:

1.- Click on the tiny document icon. After this, the step-2 window is shown. Two buttons: "Ok" and "Edit".
2.- Click on "Edit". Substitute the previous window with this new one.
3.- Edit the information.
4.- Click "Ok" to close and save the changes or "Cancel" to discard them.

Whatcha think?
 David Serrano

Offline bitli

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"Instance information": fewer steps to edit info.
« Reply #1 on: 2009 February 21 14:27:10 »
I second.

Another possibilty, as the system is kind enough to ask us if you want to write a comment, why not simply show the current comment (possibly empty) in edit mode ?
Some title like: Enter/Edit comment
And maybe button like: Save and No Comment. Okrjust OK.

So we would see the current comment when saving (if any) and think of updating it if required, and could enter it with a lot more less click around (naturally the current way of editing comment should stay).

Just  an idea
Have clear sky,