Hi all, last night I captured 30 Luminance frames (each 10 minutes long) of a mosaic panel around the Heart Nebula. On close inspection, all frames had perfectly round stars. The latter 13 or so were captured after a Meridian Flip, but all was looking good. I followed my usual pre-processing procedure up until
DrizzleIntegration. This involves:
1. ImageCalibration
2. CosmeticCorrection
3. SubframeSelector (for custom weightings)
4. StarAlignment
5. ImageIntegration
6. DrizzleIntegration
The result that came up showed badly misaligned stars stacked together, as if the tracking/guiding wasn't good. However, all individual frames show perfect stars across the board. Moreover, the result from ImageIntegration looks perfect (albeit pixelated, as expected). This is the comparison:
Left = DrizzleIntegration
Right = ImageIntegrationFor
DrizzleIntegration, I used the following settings:
- Scale: 2
- Drop shrink: 0.90
- Kernel function: Square
- Enable pixel rejection
- Enable image weighting
- Enable surface splines
I tried other "Kernel functions" but to no avail. This is the first time I have ever encountered any problems using
DrizzleIntegration and coincidentally it has happened after the recent update to it. Is there something wrong or am I missing something? Thank you!
[EDIT]: I have tried
DrizzleIntegration on the first 17 frames and it looks perfect. These were captured before the Meridian Flip. I also tried
DrizzleIntegration on the last 13 frames and it also looks perfect. These were captured after the Meridian Flip. The issue lies when I try to combine all the frames together - those before and those after the Meridian Flip.
StarAlignment was indeed used prior to stacking, and the latter 13 frames now have the correct orientation with regards to the first 17 frames.