Hi William,
The problem with this image is in three numeric FITS header keywords with NaN (Not a Number) values, namely:
DEWPOINT NaN Dew Point in degrees C
HUMIDITY NaN Humidity in %
TEMPERAT NaN Ambient Temperature in degrees C
Trying to save this image in FITS format generates the following error on all supported platforms, including OS X 10.11.6:
CFITSIO error message stack:
01 : Error in ffd2e: double value is a NaN or INDEF
without any crash, which is the correct behavior. I have no macOS 10.12 machine, so I can't test this issue on that OS version. Please note that macOS Sierra is still not supported officially. However, I see no reason for a crash to happen in this case, unless CFITSIO is doing something weird.
The FITS standard does not allow header keywords with non-numeric entities such as NaN and +/-Inf, so these keywords are illegal in a FITS file. You may want to contact the authors of the application that generated the original file to fix this issue.