I want to make an superbias master, from 200 bias cr2 (raw) and Camera is Canon 1000 DSLR.
The problem is that, PixInsight open cr2 raw file unrotated, and i must to rotate all.
Pi can't write cr2 extension, and i must to give extension xisf and is ok. But this modification don't alterate image information?
If i rotate all image with xisf extension, then image integration, then i made superbias file, and in final image, file is demage image.
I must to debayer? In Pix with preprocesing i can made an superbias file from masterbias. But is gry, and when i made with image integration an superbias file is color.
Please advice me, how i can made an good superbias. I have made superbias like in imageintegration image example.
Please escuse my bad English.