Hi Rob,
not to hijack but if you are working with carlos can you ask him if we can get the TGVRestoration and TGVInpaint modules compiled for OSX? i have done the compilation for him in the past if he can't do it.
Sorry for my English, what I meant was that I was working with the modules of Carlos (not with Carlos)
Alejandro: thank you very much for your help on the core, could you still show how you would include the spikes? (I would need this to adjust the star's color saturation without modifying the galaxy, or for instance to decrease the background's color saturation without modifying the stars and their spikes)
ChoJin, For the objective you describe I would use a Lightness mask protecting the bright areas of the image, and that mask would allow to decrease the saturation or reduce the noise in chrominance of the background.
Anyway, you can try with MultiscaleLinearTransform tool and delete the big scale layer, and then extract the Lightness to make the mask. This mask will cover the star core, the spikes and the reflection. See Image SpikesAndReflection
You can also delete more layers and work only with the smallest, then extract the Lightness. This mask will let you protect only the stars cores and the spikes letting you to work on the reflection. See Image OnlySpikes
You might also operate with the previous generated images with PixelMath tool and substract one from the other and obtain a mask to represent only the reflection area, without spikes and without stars to make some process on that place. See image OnlyReflection
Could be other approaches to the mask working with layers. In the gif in the next post, I have extracted the layes of the image with ExtractWaveletLayers script and substracted each of them from the image. Each of those images can be used as mask depending on the need.
Note1: I worked over the "After" Image, the one that we had previously repaired the center.
Note2: To work with the full image you may need to adjust the values and also could be needed to apply different processes.
Hope this helps
Saludos, Alejandro