Author Topic: PCL Win32 system exception error when using DDP  (Read 11474 times)

Offline afernan10

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PCL Win32 system exception error when using DDP
« on: 2006 July 17 08:33:33 »

I get a PCL Win32 system exception error when using DDP.
This is a screen capture from my computer with the error message.

I am using PI SE 1.0 beta, eng 2. Downloaded on July 16.
Would be most grateful if anyone here can help me with this.



Offline Juan Conejero

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PCL Win32 system exception error when using DDP
« Reply #1 on: 2006 July 18 04:31:09 »
Hi Fernando

Thanks for the bug report.

From the screenshot you've posted, I deduce that the exception happens *after* the DDP process has finished, am I right?

Also, it seems that this problem is not happening all times, since the console shows a previous successful execution.

Could you please confirm the above two guesses?

This error doesn't occur on any of our test systems. A few data on your system might help me to identify where the problem is:

- Processor brand and model
- Amount of RAM installed
- Amount of free disk space (on the drive you have your system Temp folder)
- Your Windows version and installed service packs
- Other applications running while you get this error?
- Dimensions and sample format (8-bit, 16-bit, etc) of the images that are giving this problem.

Thank you
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline afernan10

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PCL Win32 system exception error when using DDP
« Reply #2 on: 2006 July 18 10:47:49 »
Hola Juan,
gracias por responder, mi nombre es antonio :-)

>From the screenshot you've posted, I deduce that the exception happens *after* the DDP process has finished, am I right?

Yes, you are right.

>Also, it seems that this problem is not happening all times, since the console shows a previous successful execution.

It happens every time, the previous atempts you see in the console were aborted with the same error message.

- Processor brand and model

Intel Pentium IV CPU 3.0 GHz

- Amount of RAM installed

1.00 GByte

- Amount of free disk space (on the drive you have your system Temp folder)
24 GByte

- Your Windows version and installed service packs

MS Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 2

- Other applications running while you get this error?


- Dimensions and sample format (8-bit, 16-bit, etc) of the images that are giving this problem.

4008x2672, 16 bit FITS

NAXIS      = 2 /Grayscale                                      
NAXIS1     = 4008 /Width                                          
NAXIS2     = 2672 /Height                                          
COMMENT   BITPIX    = 16, NAXIS = 2, NAXIS1 = 4008, NAXIS2 = 2672

Hope this helps!



Offline Juan Conejero

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PCL Win32 system exception error when using DDP
« Reply #3 on: 2006 July 19 03:38:29 »
Quote from: "afernan10"
Hola Juan,
gracias por responder, mi nombre es antonio :-)

Oops!  :oops: tu nombre de usuario desbordó mi rutina de reconocimiento de patrones :lol: Lo siento Antonio!

>From the screenshot you've posted, I deduce that the exception happens *after* the DDP process has finished, am I right?

Yes, you are right.

This is extremely strange. It means that it is the core application who is throwing the exception, not the DigitalDevelopment process, and it is thrown somewhere outside the core process execution routine. Have you experienced a similar behavior with other processes?

>Also, it seems that this problem is not happening all times, since the console shows a previous successful execution.

It happens every time, the previous atempts you see in the console were aborted with the same error message.

Since the console does not show any error message (something like "<* abort *>" or "<* failed *>"), I'd say that the DDP process does indeed execute, then the error happens after your image has been DDP'ed. Please confirm this point.

From your reported system characteristics, I don't see any reason why this might happen. We in fact have a test system quite similar to yours and it works without flaws.

The FITS header keywords also seem perfectly normal for a STL11K image.

Does this problem happen with any image (e.g. RGB color and grayscale, any image dimensions), or are you able to find some correlation with specific image properties?

If this isn't asking for too much, could you please upload one of the images that are giving you this problem, then send the url to me by private email? In this way I'd be able to see if anything in these images is causing the exception. To be sincere, I haven't much more ideas here  :roll:

Thank you very much for your help
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline afernan10

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PCL Win32 system exception error when using DDP
« Reply #4 on: 2006 July 19 05:12:39 »
I am 'on the road' now. As soon as I am back at home in a couple of days will do more testing and will send the image file to you.
will check also also with other files!
I do not have PI installed in my work laptop :-(

Offline Juan Conejero

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PCL Win32 system exception error when using DDP
« Reply #5 on: 2006 July 19 15:06:01 »
Hi Antonio,

Bug fixed! I've found it and fixed in build 212, which we have released today. Please download it here:

Thank you very much for your help.

Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team