Author Topic: ImageIntegration - meaning of factors  (Read 2442 times)

Offline Herbert_W

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ImageIntegration - meaning of factors
« on: 2016 September 28 00:27:22 »

Could someone explain these factors (ProcessConsole - ImageIntegration)
respectively refer to a link, where I can find the explanation.

Info for each individual image
Scale factors   :   1.08863
Zero offset     :  +5.268957e-006

Noise estimates :  5.7780e-004
Weight          :     0.84322

Info for the integrated image
Gaussian noise estimates  : 2.5837e-004
Scale estimates           : 3.3536e-004
Location estimates        : 4.6818e-003
SNR estimates             : 2.4552e+003

Reference noise reduction : 1.1946
Median noise reduction    : 1.3015

Thank you and best regards!

Herbert, Austria

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: ImageIntegration - meaning of factors
« Reply #1 on: 2016 September 28 04:18:55 »
Hi Herbert,

Scale factors and zero offsets are applied to make input frames statistically compatible. Scale factors compensate for differences in statistical dispersion (scale differences), and zero offsets compensate for different central values (location differences). Simplifying a little, scale can be understood here as the width of the main histogram peak, and location as the position of the main histogram peak. These differences must be removed in order to be able to compare all input frames statistically, which is crucial for the task of pixel rejection.

Weights are multiplying factors to account for signal-to-noise ratio differences in an optimal weighted mean combination.

Scale and location estimates are, respectively, robust estimates of statistical scale (dispersion) and location (robust mean) for the output integrated image. SNR estimates are signal-to-noise ratio estimates. SNR is a non-robust statistical function, so these values must be taken with at least one (or two, or three...) grain of salt. Basically, SNR estimates are given exclusively for informational purposes, never to make consistent decisions. Always use effective noise reduction estimates to compare different integration results.

See the ImageIntegration reference documentation for detailed and more in-depth descriptions.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Herbert_W

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Re: ImageIntegration - meaning of factors
« Reply #2 on: 2016 September 29 07:03:26 »
Hi Juan,

thank you for the detailed explanation.

Yes of course - reference documentation - I forgot - sorry.

Best regards!
Herbert, Austria