Author Topic: read noise vs dynamic range (and exposure)  (Read 3039 times)

Offline ChoJin

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read noise vs dynamic range (and exposure)
« on: 2016 August 23 12:22:11 »

I have a kind-of math question about the tradeoff between the read noise and the dynamic range for the Canon 6D.

I have a hard time deciding between shooting at ISO800 vs ISO1600

according to

800  0.74      4.6      9900        11.1
1600  0.37      2.9      4900        10.7

(the value are slightly different at but the idea is the same)

at ISO800, the 6D has a read noise of 4.6 with a maximum signal of 9900
whereas at ISO1600, the read noise drops further to 2.9 with a maximum signal of 4900.

After ISO1600, it becomes roughly linear.

If I understood properly explanations at (and some other sources), it is therefore best to shoot at either ISO800 or ISO1600 to improve the SNR.

Now I'm puzzled to decide which one.

I also started to wonder if there were a way to mathematically compute in advance a proper exposure for a given target.

Let's say I want to image M31. ISO800 or 1600?
At ISO1600 I would be more likely to saturate the core since the dynamic range is reduced, but how long could I expose (ignoring sky fog from the light pollution at first)? Is there a way to compute (even roughly) that exposure or even decide which ISO to use without having to just experiment a lot?

In summary, what I'm basically asking is whether or not maths could help here to make an educated choice instead of pure experiments.

Any insights?

Offline pfile

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Re: read noise vs dynamic range (and exposure)
« Reply #1 on: 2016 August 23 14:52:13 »
there is a script in PI called CalculateSkyLimitedExposure which can help, as long as you know the gain, read noise and dark noise for a sensor (all expressed using electrons).

there might be a thread in the forum about the script if you search, can't remember (the tool has been around a very long time.)
