Hi Larry,
Each pixel in a drizzle integration weights image is proportional to the weighted pixel coverage in the integrated image at the corresponding coordinates. Yes, this looks pretty complex
The following figure represents the projection phase of the drizzle integration algorithm:
The blue squares are the
drops extracted from one of the input images. They are smaller than the original pixels by the
drop shrink factor. The drops are projected over the output integrated image by applying a geometric trasformation previously computed by the StarAlignment process. As you can see, each drop may cover one or more output pixels partially. We call
pixel coverage the total sum of drop fractions that contribute to an output pixel value, in square input pixel units. In addition, each drop is multiplied by the statistical weight computed for its input image by the ImageIntegration process. Finally, rejected pixels are assigned a weight of zero.
As usual in PixInsight, drizzle weights images are normalized to the [0,1] range, where zero means no pixel coverage and one means maximum coverage. So if a pixel in the drizzle weights image is white (one), that means that the integrated pixel has received the maximum coverage in the drizzle integration process. The maximum coverage is always reported on the console at the end of the process. If a weights image pixel were black (zero) it would denote a
dry pixel, that is, the corresponding pixel in the output image wouldn't have received any contribution from any input image. While dry pixels are unlikely in a normal drizzle integration, they can happen with few input image sets and very small drop shrink factors, and/or extreme pixel rejection.
Drizzle weights images allow you to evaluate and compare the overall quality of your drizzle integration processes. Ideally, you should get drizzle weights images as uniform as possible. They will depend mainly on the amount of integrated images, the quality of the dithering performed at the telescope, the amount of rejected pixels, the similarity of input images in terms of SNR, and the drop shrink and drizzle scale parameters.