actually it would be preferable to average the different backgrounds to get best S/N level on weak signal there.
Overwriting by a brighter background from another night would not really achieve this,
but copying another nights data (partly) over it.
Alejandros method to get an even background from one picture itself is therefore prefereable IMHO.
Later on we could mix and average, using Pixelmath or Geralds Blend script.
As far as I can see Alejandro sets the smoothing factor to zero, to allow the background model fit structures sharply.
I never played with this factor, and was often stuck in problems with harsh contrast gradients in my raw stacks.
It will be a huge benefit for me. Yeah!
Thanks Kevin for posting that example, and thanks Alejandro to show us how you cope with it.
Vienna and Austria is grateful to you :-)
Tommy, Vienna