Author Topic: Unclear step description in tutorial  (Read 3817 times)

Offline rtemen

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Unclear step description in tutorial
« on: 2016 June 21 09:00:08 »
In the tutorial  tutorial-pre-processing-calibrating-and-stacking-images-in-pixinsight.html#Section1
I find that there is a description that I do not understand.
I am attaching a jpg of the screen that shows the text that I am not clear on.
In the text above the picture, he points out that, like him, he does not use the darks at this stage.
Then below the picture, it seems to point out that it should be used.

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
I am not sure what the difference would be or how it will affect the next steps.


Offline jkmorse

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Re: Unclear step description in tutorial
« Reply #1 on: 2016 June 21 11:31:27 »

I have heard of people not using flats or bias frames but there are only very limited circumstances where you would not use a master dark frame.  The only time I do not use a master dark is when calibrating my flat subs before integrating them.  The reason is that my flats are usually in the 5 second or less range (I use sky flats) and at such short iterations there is not much difference between the bias and dark masters and I can avoid shooting an extra set of short darks.  But for lights of any length (and I include anything 30 seconds or longer; though mine are typically 10 minutes for RGBs and 15 minutes for NB) you need a master dark to properly clean up your images.  You can reduce the amount of noise that the master dark contributes, if that is a concern, by shooting lots of dark subs, but even 25 darks will build a nice clean master dark (though because they are so easy to shoot, I typically use 50 subs for my master darks and 100 subs for my master bias; note that for flats, however, I only use 5 subs to build my master flats).

Shooting flats is easy and they really help clean up your images so you should always use them unless you have a really good technical reason for not doing so.

Hope that helps,

Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

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Offline RickS

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Re: Unclear step description in tutorial
« Reply #2 on: 2016 June 21 17:06:10 »
Some folks with sensors with very low dark current, typically Sony chips, don't bother with darks.


Offline rtemen

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Re: Unclear step description in tutorial
« Reply #3 on: 2016 June 21 17:49:56 »
Thanks, Jim and Rick.
I see now.
