Hi Matt,
Thank you, and welcome to PixInsight Forum.
The tutorial Matt refers to is here:
http://pixinsight.com/tutorials/STD/LRGB/en.htmlThis is an old document and a lot of things have changed since the time I wrote it. We now have many new tools, and have learned/developed new processing techniques that obsolete some parts of this tutorial. However the LRGBCombination tool remains the same.
I have prepared a small example that reproduces what you want to do (M45 image courtesy of Vicent Peris):
http://forum-images.pixinsight.com/legacy/LRGB-example/LRGB-1.jpgHere you can see the luminance and RGB images, along with the LRGBCombination interface ready to work. Note the luminance image selected in the L slot, and the disabled R, G and B slots. The target image is not used (it is seldom used; we probably will drop this parameter in future versions of this tool).
http://forum-images.pixinsight.com/legacy/LRGB-example/LRGB-2.jpgAbout to apply the LRGBCombination instance to the RGB image. Note that LRGBCombination can be applied to previews (as most processes in PixInsight), so you can make tests on small regions of interest before applying it to the main image. In this case, I have defined a preview covering the entire image.
To apply a process you can clic the
New Instance icon at the bottom left corner of a processing interface (the blue triangular icon) and drag it to a view, as the figure above shows.
http://forum-images.pixinsight.com/legacy/LRGB-example/LRGB-3.jpgThe final result. Note that I have applied slight luminance and saturation increases (0.4 and 0.45 transfer functions, respectively) to improve the corresponding components in the combined image. Using previews it's very easy to fine tune these parameters.
Hope this helps. As stated in the tutorial, our LRGB combination tool has several advantages over similar tools in most applications. The most important one is that it works using colorimetrically-defined RGB and CIE Lab spaces, which means a virtually perfect isolation between luminance and chrominance (no noise transferences, no hue changes). Another key advantage of our implementation is that it allows you to adapt luminance and chrominance very accurately.