Author Topic: StarAlignment: Unable to lock parameter data for read-only access: referenceStar  (Read 2574 times)

Offline jerrymacon

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This error is coming up frequently with my 4 panel mosaic project for M42 to flame.  It only appears after I have been attempting to do a StarAlignment with the panels and the CatalogStars view.  Makes sense that it would only come up with the mosaic, since that is where I commonly use StarAlignment.
This is really a problem for me since I lose all my work.
I also found a 6 month old post mentioning this exact problem, with no answers posted.

Offline adamland

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I'm also encountering this error, it repros when I try to Save Project and I have used StarAlignment in this session. Saving individual images seems to work. I'm on x64.

Offline pfile

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a few days back i sent a .psm file to juan with a bad staralignment process icon, hopefully he will sort it out.

you may be able to save the project if you find and delete the offending staralignment process icon... the only way to know is to attempt to save the project after deleting each SA instance until it succeeds though.
