It is common knowledge that Mure Denoise is not supposed to be used on a drizzle integrated stack. However, I ran an experiment to see why this was so. I drizzle integrated a stack of Ha subs (20 30 minute subs). I then ran Mure Denoise with a noise estimate about 2/3 what I used in the non drizzle stack of the same subs, and a strength factor of 1/2 what I usually use, which is 1.0--so a setting of 0.5.
It worked--not as well as on the non drizzle integrated stack--but it improved the image--very similar in extent as removing the first wavelet layer with Multiscale Median Transfer.
So--my question--what is the technical reason why MD should not be used with drizzle integration? Does drizzle completely change the image so MD removes signal instead of noise? If so (but I think not), its obvious it can't be used. But that is not what happened in my image. But there might be detriments to the image that are not visible, or will not manifest themselves until much later in the processing work flow.