Author Topic: Batch Batchpreprocessing  (Read 2857 times)

Offline miska

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Batch Batchpreprocessing
« on: 2016 February 09 00:44:29 »
Hi !
Sorry for this perhaps basic question, but here goes...
I like to use Batch Preprocessing for my DSLR astro-images. So I prepare the batch (load all the lights, darks, flats), configure everything to be ready to go. Then I let the thing run for a looooong time.

Now, what I would like to do, is prepare several Batch Preprocessing sessions (several objects taken during one night for example), and then launch them so that they execute one after the other, but without my intervention. So a Batch BatchPreprocess. That thing would run for a much longer time (obviously) than just one job, but I wouldn't have to baby-sit it. Now I do: Prepare, launch. Wait. Prepare, Launch. Wait. What I want is: Prepare, Prepare, Prepare, Launch, Waiiiiiiiit. Done :-)

Is this possible ?

Offline miska

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Re: Batch Batchpreprocessing
« Reply #1 on: 2016 February 10 04:49:14 »
So, if I create my first batch proprocess, and drag the "triangle" to the desktop, I can (I think ?) store all the values assigned to that Batch Preprocessor task as an icon.
I could in principle, repeat this several times (for all my objects), and get a bunch of icons on the desktop, all with different BPP parameters.
Now, perhaps I can put all the icons in some batch, so they are executed one after the other.

Not sure that works and how to do it in practice... The problem somehow seems like it should be relatively easy to do, but I can't manage to find a way.

Offline avarakin

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Re: Batch Batchpreprocessing
« Reply #2 on: 2016 February 15 19:16:27 »
If you have enough memory on your system, you can launch multiple instances of PI, configure one batch process per PI instance and then launch all of them at once.
More practical approach which I used myself: open 2 instances of PI and use one for stacking and one for postprocessing.
On some OS's PI allows to launch only one instance at a time, you need to provide command line parameter to override this behavior. 


Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Batch Batchpreprocessing
« Reply #3 on: 2016 February 15 19:45:12 »
Also see here how to create a second instance.
Saludos, Alejandro

Offline miska

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Re: Batch Batchpreprocessing
« Reply #4 on: 2016 February 17 01:25:14 »
Thanks guys, this is at least a good workaround.

I am still wondering if it is possible to do cleanly - executing the BPPs one after the other, without intervention ?
I seee that the BPP requires one to click ok before it executes, so this may be a problem in a script. Perhaps I need to concatenate all the BPP scripts into one fat one, and edit out the places where it requires to click on ok.
That sounds like a bit of work though.