I have followed several excellent pre-processing tutorials (and quite a few related threads in this Forum), namely:
* Jim Morse's PixInsight Cribsheet (recieved by email)
* Kayron Mercieca's Pre-Processing Tutorial (
* Trapped Photons Pre-Processing Tutorial (
In some cases I have found
different approaches for the
same process and would like to know your opinions on (a) which option you use and why, and (b) which option is best suited for DSLR, if any.
These are the differences I found:
1- Bias, Darks, Flats and Lights Integration (in Pixel rejection I): enable or disable
Clip High Range and
Clip Low range? Are these important?
2- Bias and Darks Integration (Pixel rejection II):
Sigma Low: 3 or 7?
Sigma High: 4 or 7?
3- Darks Calibration: with SuperBias, or without it? (i.e. no bias calibration?)
4- Flat Calibration: calibrate with or without Master Dark? (can you scale a 300 sec. dark to calibrate a 1 s. Flat?).
5- Debayer: Before or after Cosmetic Correction?
6- Do you use "SubFrame Selector"? Does it have an important impact on integrated lights?
6- In Star Alignment: Use
Distortion Correction, or not?
Thanks for your much appreciated input!