Author Topic: Saving Selected Groups  (Read 2444 times)

Offline sreilly

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Saving Selected Groups
« on: 2015 December 20 14:18:25 »
Often after image calibration I'll visually check the images and usually find some that need to be deleted or at least kept separate from the others. Just like now when I opened up 28 blue calibrated images and find that 13 need to be discarded I find I either need to write down all the bad images so they can be either deleted or separated. It would be really nice if we could select a group and save them to another folder or delete them altogether. In the attached screenshot I have the good images selected while the bad ones are upper left. At this point it would fantastic if I could pick a command that says "Save all" and choose a folder. Is this possible? Could it be possible?


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Offline pfile

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Re: Saving Selected Groups
« Reply #1 on: 2015 December 20 14:43:55 »
how about using blink for this? load all your images in, then you can then select the bad images and move them to another folder. or select the good images and move them to a folder.


Offline sreilly

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Re: Saving Selected Groups
« Reply #2 on: 2015 December 20 15:11:34 »

How did I not know this already? I've never fooled with the Blink process and it does all I need it to. Thanks for pointing me in a different direction. I've gotten so use to doing a defined process that I'm missing out on some of PI's jewels.

Thanks Again,
OGS 12.5" RC
Tak FSQ-106ED
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Offline pfile

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Re: Saving Selected Groups
« Reply #3 on: 2015 December 20 23:15:32 »
glad to help - blink can also make movies from the frames loaded up, so it's useful for comet animations and such. i had an asteroid move thru a set of M31 images and i used blink to make a movie of that.


Offline Cosmick

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Re: Saving Selected Groups
« Reply #4 on: 2015 December 21 00:36:38 »

How did I not know this already? I've never fooled with the Blink process and it does all I need it to. Thanks for pointing me in a different direction. I've gotten so use to doing a defined process that I'm missing out on some of PI's jewels.

The SubframeSelector Script also has the ability to do this.
Found under - Scripts>Batch Processing>SubframeSelector.
It relies on the numbers to sort the images rather than visual inspection. I tend to use both as things like satellite and aeroplane trails don't always stand out in SubframeSelector.
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