Author Topic: SNR & Drizzle  (Read 2500 times)

Offline Dimitris Platis

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SNR & Drizzle
« on: 2015 December 16 22:50:58 »
What is the effect of Drizzle on SNR?
Is there any real advantage in Drizzling 3x over 2x?

Offline RickS

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Re: SNR & Drizzle
« Reply #1 on: 2015 December 17 00:40:48 »
What is the effect of Drizzle on SNR?

If you upsample with Drizzle you lose SNR.  There's no free lunch.  However, the noise is correlated between neighboring pixels and isn't as visible (IMO, at least) or as easy to measure using the standard tools in PI.  Some info here:

Is there any real advantage in Drizzling 3x over 2x?

Yes, it will give you higher resolution but only if the seeing, optics and quality and amount of data is adequate.


Offline jkmorse

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Re: SNR & Drizzle
« Reply #2 on: 2015 December 17 08:34:28 »
But remember, going from 2x to 3x requires a lot of quality data and will make the image huge (9 times the size of the original as compared to 4 times with 2x).  I have played with both but for image stacks of even 60 subs, I do not see any difference that justifies the huge file size.
Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

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Offline Dimitris Platis

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Re: SNR & Drizzle
« Reply #3 on: 2015 December 17 08:53:29 »
I have 150-300 subs depending on the I have a lot of data.
But I havent seen any improvement going from 2x to 3x