If you want to do inset pictures into a large image then you will need to use PixelMath but if you want do side by side or tiled images you can do that with the Crop tool and a sample max() function in PixelMath.
Let's say you have 2 images you want to show side by side. Take the width of the right image and use it as a positive value in the right Margins/Anchors field. Apply that to the left image. Then reset the crop tool and take the width of the left image and use it as a positive value in the left Margins/Anchors field and apply that to the right image. This will expand both images with black pixels. Next bring up PixelMath and do max(image1, image2). You can create a new image or apply it to one of the other images. This should merge the two. The same idea can be expanded for more images. It's a little tedious probably a little less so than doing it all in PixelMath.