I would like to thank "officially" Andrés Pozo for all the wonderfull scripts he wrote for PixInsight.
Without his new method "MosaicByCoordinates" this image of a mosaic of Cygnus region taken with a Officinal Stellare RH200 should be impossible to process with standard tools.
We have tested and adopted a new preprocessing method which doesn't use StarAlignement process but ImageSolve and MosaicByCoordinates. A lot of non uniform distortion affect new optics (RH200 : f=600mm f/3)
Even for single image (not mosaic) this method gives better results.
Here is the image. It is fully processed with PixInsight and the colors boost and local cosmetic correction are done with PI and Photoshop (so I don't post in Gallery)
Full image 7800 x 7800 pixels by clicking on this preview :