I'm having a very difficult time getting a color palette I'm happy with on a HaOIIIRGB image. I have quite good data on a Veil nebula mosaic image, and my intent was to enhance the RGB data with the narrowband data. Still in the linear stage...when I combine the R,G,B into a color image and do ColorCalibration I am very pleased with the result. It has the classic or typical color cast that I'm used to (the red of the nebula has a slight maroon cast, and the blue is slightly bluer than teal).
However when I try to combine the Ha and OIII with the RGB I'm not that happy with the result. I'm using the NBRGBCombination script and it does a very good job keeping the RGB stars, but the nebula colors are not very close to the color calibrated RGB. The red is fire engine red and the blue comes out very teal (teal is good but it's too much).
I'm combining the Ha and OIII with default values in NBRGBC:
Ha, 5nm, scale 1.2
OIII for green and blue, 3nm, scale 1.2
How can I get the narrowband version closer to the color of the calibrated RGB?
Attached is a screenshot of what I'm talking about. The left image is the HaOIIIRGB image, the color calibrated RGB is on the right.