Author Topic: Another Trouble with flats processing  (Read 3422 times)

Offline nitesky

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Another Trouble with flats processing
« on: 2015 July 29 11:27:10 »
Hi all. I've really wanted to get up to speed on calibrating and stacking my images in PixInsight as I do all my other processing here. About 6 months ago I attempted the automated batch preprocessing process then but was always getting errors. This time I'm determined to succeed. I decided to to determine where my issue lies, so set out to do each step individually. I created my Materdark and masterbisas files with no errors. Both were saved as .xisf extension.

My next step was to create my master flat. In the process imagecalibration, I selected my masterbias and masterbias. When I start the process it reads in my first flat and stops with the error: incompatible image geometry  <failed> I tried starting with other images in the list but got same results.

I've included a screen print.  I was searching for others with same issue and saw a gentleman mention an error with images rotated 90 degrees. I'm at work so can't verify right now but I think one set of my images were doing this too.  Perhaps the screen print will give a clue?


Offline nitesky

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Re: Another Trouble with flats processing
« Reply #1 on: 2015 July 29 11:30:31 »
I didn't proof read it very well, sorry. the one statement....  I selected my masterbias and masterbias, should be masterbias and masterdark.

Offline pfile

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Re: Another Trouble with flats processing
« Reply #2 on: 2015 July 29 11:44:01 »
what format are the bias and dark master in? i am guessing "raw cfa" (mono files). if that's the case the input hint in ImageCalibration should also be set to "raw cfa"


Offline nitesky

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Re: Another Trouble with flats processing
« Reply #3 on: 2015 July 29 12:15:07 »
Good point rob. I'll check and see when I get home. I never remember changing the cfa dropdown when creating the master bias & Dark. I see the one for the flat is "default cfa". I wouldn't be surprised if they were processed with the same "default cfa" instead of "raw cfa".


Offline nitesky

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Re: Another Trouble with flats processing
« Reply #4 on: 2015 July 30 07:02:30 »
  Confused. I've attached a screen print where I'm doing the image calibration, but as you can see from the dropdown on the cfa selection, there isn't a cfa raw. So, where do I go to make this selection?  BTW, I've tried processing with all three cfa settings and still get the image geometry error. 

However, I did discover that it is my DARKS that PI is seeing in portrait mode rather than landscape, if that makes any difference. They seem to process ok and my result is landscape and saved as a xisf file.  Also, there isn't a CFA setting in the imageintegration processing screen that IS present on the image calibration.

If I need to flip my darks 90 degrees, anyone know how this is done?

Again thanks

Offline nitesky

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Re: Another Trouble with flats processing
« Reply #5 on: 2015 July 30 07:37:52 »
Follow up, I did find where to make the settings for the DSLR_RAW. My darks formatted correctly when I pulled one up to inspect, and it processed fine in the imageintegration.
I ran the flats through and they processed ok and I do have calibrated flats in my output folder.

Quick question I noticed that each processed flat received a purple warning message (included in attachment), about No correlation between the master dark and target frames (channel 0).  Is this some default warning that doesn't apply to my process or what? I had CALIBRATE clicked on in my master dark setting for the flats image calibration.


Offline pfile

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Re: Another Trouble with flats processing
« Reply #6 on: 2015 July 30 09:28:25 »
the GUI element you're looking for is under "Format Hints" right under the dialog box with the files. it temporarily overrides what's set in DSLR_RAW.

the no correlation warning is normal, since the flats are generally short exposures they have very little dark signal. IC tries to scale the dark to optimize the noise in the result, and this is a warning saying that it was unable to find a correlation in the dark signal between the dark and the light. i usually just calibrate my flats with bias for this reason.


Offline nitesky

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Re: Another Trouble with flats processing
« Reply #7 on: 2015 July 30 09:48:09 »
Thanks Rob.  Good deal on the warning message. I suspected as much seeing there wasn't any failures, skips, etc. The individual calibrated flats looked ok as well.  On to the next step....
