I wonder if some DBE expert can help me with this problem.
I have an image of M16 that has been acquired at 20-25 deg elevation and shows obvious gradient.
I have a FOV of 2x2 degrees and the area is almost covered by the nebula.
the gradient is different in intensity for the diffefrent filtrers but it seems geometrically quite simple:
parallel to the lower edge, that is brighter, and going darker versus the top edge.
the gradient is probably shifted a bit on the upper half of the image.
so, my questions:
-shall I keep the main simmetry point offered by DBE?
-if yes, shall I move it a bit on the upper part, where the gradient start to be more noticeable?
-simmetries: do I need to run VERTICAL or run HORIZONTAL symmetries?
this is the key point: running a VERTICAL means all the points on the line should have the same Background value, right?
-simmetries: only the start and last point of the symmetry line counts?
-additional points: is it ok to add also isolated samples where possible?
I can post the image on the challenge section, but I would like first to understand better the tool and see if I can manage.
Thank you very much in advance,