Author Topic: STF to HT inconsistency  (Read 2922 times)

Offline David Serrano

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STF to HT inconsistency
« on: 2015 April 06 14:09:55 »

While browsing this forum the other day I learned that you can drag the Instance triangle of STF into the bottom bar of the HT window in order to transfer the transformation from one process to the other. Neat :). However, having already upgraded my Pixi to, I'm hitting some unexpected funcionality.

I want to use the red channel as a basis to build a mask. So I extracted it and played with its STF for a minute to gauge if this was going to be a good approach or not. I clicked on "White point readout", then selected a bright point in the image, then "Black point readout" and finally selected a dark point. This being a grayscale image, only the red channel of the STF was adjusted, which makes some sense because this image has only one channel (but its label could be called "R/K" instead of just "R", bah, nothing[1]). The button "Link RGB channels" is active.

(I extracted the green channel and repeated the process, again in the STF window only the red channel changed. Who knows, it could be the green :)).

After some additional adjustments in the STF red channel only, I dragged the Instance triangle towards HT, only to see that the histogram of the red channel was transferred. I totally expected the RGB/K curve to be affected by this action. The view selector dropdown in HT was already set to show the histogram of this grayscale image, so HT knows that I'm working with it.

So I took advantage of this little marvel "Edit instance source code" button to copy and paste the values in the STF red channel to the green and blue. Now, when dropping an instance of it into HT I get the expected result.

If this is deemed a PixInsight problem (instead of a user one :P, which I'm not totally ruling out) I guess the fix would be to adjust all three channels in STF when reading out of a grayscale image. Or either change "R" into "R/K" and do what it means.

1.- Spanish "minucias" :).
 David Serrano

Offline cdesselles

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Re: STF to HT inconsistency
« Reply #1 on: 2015 April 06 20:22:26 »
It could well be that when you dropped the STF new instance icon onto the HT bar, those exact parameters are what you will get for any image stretch.  That would explain why only red adjustments are made and nothing else.
Celestron CPC1100 - Canon 550D (T2i) and of course, Pixinsight!

Offline David Serrano

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Re: STF to HT inconsistency
« Reply #2 on: 2015 April 07 14:00:21 »
It could well be that when you dropped the STF new instance icon onto the HT bar, those exact parameters are what you will get for any image stretch.  That would explain why only red adjustments are made and nothing else.

Yeah, that's why I'm proposing that the fix, if it applies, goes in the direction of changing STF's behaviour, not HT's.
 David Serrano