I am trying to dig deeper into the workings of various PixInsight tools since there is only limited documentation. Earlier I asked about how to set up the parameters in CosmeticCorrections when using a Master Dark and am still hoping to get some insights there.
Today I want to better understand the SCNR settings. I have tried reading previous posts and have gleaned some information. For example, if you have a green tint throughout the image, you should be using the default Average Neutral setting. I also read that Maximum Neutral should clean a green cast in the background without impacting at least OIII regions and, I am guessing here, brighter regions generally. The reverse implies that Minimum Neutral should impact the Target but not the background but that is just speculation. I have also read that SCNR destroys data which is always a concern.
Playing with the tool only takes you so far because you need to have an image in need for a certain type of fixing before you can test all options. Here's hoping I can get to the next level by getting a quick primer on how this tool works at a nuts and bolts level.