Author Topic: Deconvolution for daytime images  (Read 2175 times)

Offline msmythers

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Deconvolution for daytime images
« on: 2015 March 19 15:10:10 »
I just thought I'd share this mostly for those new to PixInsight but also anyone who had not thought to use deconvolution for daytime images. I recently modified my Nex-5 camera for full spectrum and today I was doing some testing without any filters. I shot a banana tree at my front door blind, no viewfinder display. I just set the manual lens and had set the other settings inside when the camera was connected to a monitor. I was pleased with the basic processing of the raw shot in PI but I noticed the focus was a slightly soft. No screen. no wonder. I had guessed at the focus range and depth of field.

This is where deconvolution really works in my opinion. With just the defaults and a little tweak to the deringing and the use of the extracted CIE *L image as a mask. The results are nice but not overstated.
