Author Topic: Scripting exmple to get started? Anyone?  (Read 4056 times)

Offline outerspace

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Scripting exmple to get started? Anyone?
« on: 2015 February 23 14:04:20 »
As asked for elsewhere, I'd very much would like to have some specific  help regarding scripting.
PixelMath is a nice feature - but I'd like to have a GUI for entering parameters both for myself and for those who possibly find my solutions any helpful.

All I need is some "how to - for the noob" to make it run as a stand alone script (header, declarations, assigning GUI variales etc pp).
A simple step by step example - say applying some posterisation - would do for now.


invers = 0,
ThreshH = 0.5


iif ($T > ThreshH, $T, (iif(!invers, 1, 0)))

Possibly defining a slider for the variable threshold, and use a checkbox to invert - as seen in the above PixelMath
Also the global functions - "apply" "apply globaly" "reset to default" "preview window"... should be covered superficially

I  had the idea of looking into a similar simple tool like "RangeSelection", but this isn't available as a stand alone script that possibly could be stripped down as a template.

Most of the scripts available are way over my head.
