For developers --- I have just released version 1.6.1 of the documentation compiler script for all platforms. This version comes with lots of new features and improvements; among them:
* Automatic section numbering and symbolic referencing of sections, tables, figures, equations and bibliographic references.
* LaTeX equations and math fragments can be embedded in PIDoc source files. This is easier than ever with the new
verbatim blocks feature.
* Improved automatic generation of interactive resources, such as mouseover image lists.
* Automatic syntax highlighting of source code blocks in the JavaScript, C++, XML, PixelMath and PIDoc languages.
* Collapsible sections for easier navigation of large documents.
* Unlimited nested subsections.
* New PIJSObjectDoc document class for documentation of JavaScript objects.
* The compiler generates fully standards compliant HTML5 / CSS3 documents that pass W3C validators with zero errors and warnings.
* Large documentation projects can now be structured as multiple .pidoc files thanks to the new \include command.
* New \pragma command to control most compiler features from PIDoc source code.
* The target documentation system is now remembered across script executions.
The documentation for the PIDoc markup language has also been updated to reflect the latest version: you'll like it!