Author Topic: MaxIm Images Strange When Applying STF  (Read 5460 times)

Offline kerrywaz1

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MaxIm Images Strange When Applying STF
« on: 2015 January 08 13:11:49 »
Recently I loaded a set of FITS images into PI taken using MaxIm DL. These images were 16-bit FITS files as output by my camera. However, when I applied STF in PI, these images appeared strangely like 8-bit images, almost posterized. Is there some new setting for FITS files or STF that I need to change to get these images to display correctly right out of MaxIm?

Deep Sky Instruments RC14C
FLI PL16803 w/MOAG + StarlightXpress Ultrastar
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Offline jkmorse

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Re: MaxIm Images Strange When Applying STF
« Reply #1 on: 2015 January 09 07:34:20 »

Welcome to the world of FITS incompatibilities.  I and others have had this problem crop up in the past, in my case exactly as you have, importing MaximDL captures into PI.  Here is what I have written on the topic in the past:

You may be running into some FITS incompatibility issues.  I did a lot of research recently on FITS incompatibilities and this issue has been addressed time and again by PI.  Here is the results of my research into old posts on the subject:

Fixing FITS Incompatibilities
If you experience these types of incompatibilities, try the following until you hit on a solution:

•   Open the Format Explorer (access under “View > Explorer Windows”)
•   Double click on “FITS”
•   Make sure the top two boxes are checked
       o   “Write scaling keywords . . .”
       o   “Signed Integer images . . .”

•   Where possible, particularly in the Image Calibration tool for Lights, but also with ImageIntegration when creating Master Darks and Master Bias, add the following to the “input hints” line under “Format Hints”:
       o   lower-range 0 upper-range 65535

•   If the above does not work, insert the following in the “input hints” line:
       o   Signed-is-physical

Stop using input hints AFTER you have successfully saved an image after applying a PI tool; i.e, do not use input hints in ImageIntegration after successfully calibrating Light images in PI with the ImageCalibration tool (after first PI application, images are saved in proper PI format (0,1) and no longer need input hints)

For an excellent explanation of what is happening to cause this problem, check out the following threads from Juan Conejero:,msg23973

Also, if you as a starter drinking from a fire hose, I have put together a Cribsheet that I share with a number of other PixInsight users that I update regularly.  If you are interested in a copy, just drop me a line at and I will happy to send the latest version to you.

Hope that helps,

Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

New Mexico Skies Observatory
Apogee Aspen 16803
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Offline llpastro

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Re: MaxIm Images Strange When Applying STF
« Reply #2 on: 2015 January 10 07:43:40 »
Jim, what type of things are on your crib sheet?  I might be interested in a copy.

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Offline kerrywaz1

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Re: MaxIm Images Strange When Applying STF
« Reply #3 on: 2015 January 10 10:22:03 »

I went into Format Explorer and made the changes you suggested. However, the file still open with the centers of the stars (highest pixel values) blacked out, as though the values are being truncated to zero (see attached).

I haven't made any changes to MaxIm, so I am a bit a ta loss as to why this behavior is suddenly happening. Any other suggestions on how to fix this?

Deep Sky Instruments RC14C
FLI PL16803 w/MOAG + StarlightXpress Ultrastar
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Offline jkmorse

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Re: MaxIm Images Strange When Applying STF
« Reply #4 on: 2015 January 10 15:24:14 »

Cribsheet is packed full of stuff, including a detailed workflow and details on how to use the various tools.  I have included a pdf of the latest draft, but that leaves off some details due to size limits and doesn't allow you to adjust to your own needs.  If you want a full Word version, just drop me an email at


Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

New Mexico Skies Observatory
Apogee Aspen 16803
Planewave CDK17 - Paramount MEII
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Offline jkmorse

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Re: MaxIm Images Strange When Applying STF
« Reply #5 on: 2015 January 10 15:31:07 »

Ok, have seen this before myself and I have no idea why is happens sometimes and not others.  To fix it try two things, and you may need to do both. 

First, go into MaximDL and do a batch convert to change all your lights to 32 bit floating point files (I know, I know, but it works, trust me, especially on cleaning up the black centers of stars). 

Second, when doing imagecalibration, go into the format hints input line (just below the files box) and add the following exactly as I have written it here: lower-range 0 upper-range 65535

That should do it, but I have no idea why.

Let me know if it works,


Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

New Mexico Skies Observatory
Apogee Aspen 16803
Planewave CDK17 - Paramount MEII
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Offline kerrywaz1

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Re: MaxIm Images Strange When Applying STF
« Reply #6 on: 2015 January 11 17:08:38 »
Converting files to 32-bit IEEE Float seem to work. I also noticed that saving files as 16-bit unsigned TIFF works just as well.

Since PI works with TIFFs, why not just let MaxIm save images in that format rather than struggling with FITS?

Deep Sky Instruments RC14C
FLI PL16803 w/MOAG + StarlightXpress Ultrastar
Pyxis 3"
Astro Physics AP1200
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Offline jkmorse

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Re: MaxIm Images Strange When Applying STF
« Reply #7 on: 2015 January 12 08:17:51 »
Only issue with TIFFs is that they are limited to 16 bits so you would need to convert to FITs or .xisf once you get into PI, but you make an excellent point.  Will try out the TIFFs solution myself.


Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

New Mexico Skies Observatory
Apogee Aspen 16803
Planewave CDK17 - Paramount MEII
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Offline llpastro

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Re: MaxIm Images Strange When Applying STF
« Reply #8 on: 2015 January 14 06:51:33 »
JKMorse, thanks for the crib sheet.  I would like to be on your distribution list for future updates.  What do you need from me to make that possible.

Larry Phillips
AP 140 Refractor
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Tucson, Arizona

Offline jkmorse

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Re: MaxIm Images Strange When Applying STF
« Reply #9 on: 2015 January 14 08:17:37 »

Just drop me an email at so I have your contact details and you are on the list! 


Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

New Mexico Skies Observatory
Apogee Aspen 16803
Planewave CDK17 - Paramount MEII
Planewave IFR90 - Astrodon LRGB & NB filters
SkyX - MaximDL - ACP