Author Topic: Completed bi-colour Veil Nebula mosaic  (Read 3189 times)

Offline RickS

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Completed bi-colour Veil Nebula mosaic
« on: 2014 December 27 03:34:25 »
A bi-colour (Ha/OIII) Veil with RGB stars - a 6 panel mosaic captured at SRO with a Tak FSQ-106ED and QSI683 camera.  This was my first big mosaic and it was quite challenging.  Despite a fastish i7 CPU, 24GB of RAM and a couple of SSDs it takes a long time to do stuff with 144 megapixel images (drizzled from 2 arcsec/pixel -> 1)  I included a few crops since the whole mosaic doesn't fit well on most screens  :D

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Completed bi-colour Veil Nebula mosaic
« Reply #1 on: 2014 December 27 04:26:57 »
I don't usually comment on gallery images, but this time I'm going to make an exception. Absolutely wonderful!
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline RickS

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Re: Completed bi-colour Veil Nebula mosaic
« Reply #2 on: 2014 December 27 04:31:36 »
Thanks very much, Juan!  I couldn't have done it without PI  :D  The processing was mostly straightforward but I used a little PixelMath to tease additional colour out of the bi-colour combination.


Offline Zocky

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Re: Completed bi-colour Veil Nebula mosaic
« Reply #3 on: 2014 December 28 03:45:32 »
Rick, this is absolutely stunning. Although I am not a big fan of bi-color images, I admire to your work.
Skywatcher ED 80/600 with FF/FR x0.85; HEQ5-pro mount
SBIG ST-8300M, FW5 with Baader LRGB Ha7nm filters

Offline RickS

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Re: Completed bi-colour Veil Nebula mosaic
« Reply #4 on: 2014 December 28 13:52:54 »
Thanks, Zocky!  As I mentioned, I did use a little PixelMath to expand the range of hues from the basic red/teal-blue of a straight bi-colour combination.  I think it was a worthwhile improvement.


Offline ajbarr

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Re: Completed bi-colour Veil Nebula mosaic
« Reply #5 on: 2014 December 29 23:14:31 »
Rick I agree with the others. I think this image is amazing. Great work.


Offline RickS

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Re: Completed bi-colour Veil Nebula mosaic
« Reply #6 on: 2014 December 30 01:25:19 »
Thanks very much, Albert.

Offline rvillaverde

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Re: Completed bi-colour Veil Nebula mosaic
« Reply #7 on: 2014 December 30 13:11:26 »
Fantastic picture¡¡¡

Offline RickS

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Re: Completed bi-colour Veil Nebula mosaic
« Reply #8 on: 2014 December 30 14:36:55 »