Hi, I would be interested by any result too. Currently I use pre-calibrated files from iTelescope, as trying to redo calibration was too time consuming and without clear benefits, but I did not try manual calibration of their images since a long time.
iTelescope provides both raw bias/dark/flats and master bias/dark/flat. You could use one or the other (even mix and match in theory).
I assume that you want to start from the raw files if you want to use BPP. This should not be a problem, normally the raw files are just I16 files in the same format as the image file. Currently I have no problem reading the images from Itelescope, and there is no need to do stuff with the FITS headers (maybe different location/scopes are not setup exactly in the same way).
You could also start from the master bias/dark/flat to calibrate your images. I found this more difficult as it is not clear if the bias was already removed from the darks/flats for example. This could be find by careful examination of the header. The iTelescope master images are also 16 bits unsigned, the one produced by PI as 32 bits (24 bits of precision, really), but PI is pretty happy reading 16 bits images. You may have to tell BPP which file is a bias/dark/flat if it does not recognize the keyword, but at least on a recently downloaded master dark there is an IMAGETYP.
I used to have problems with the PEDESTAL keyword, the value of this keyword is interpreted differently between PI and some other software. This may cause truncation of low values and 'no correlation' errors during calibration, so if you have this type of error you may have look at the FITS header and around the forum for details.
Bottom line, go ahead using the raw files as is and tell us if you have any problem (or any success).
-- bitli