Author Topic: Memory error when running the preprocessing registration/integration script  (Read 2515 times)

Offline ianpwilliams

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I'm running the 32-bit demo version of PixInsight on my Windows 7 Professional 4GB Lenovo x200s laptop, and every time I attempt to do the batch preprocessing registration/integration script, the script fails (see attached screen grab). All other processes work fine so far, albeit some of them taking a while with the computer being old, but they work.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Please note that 32-bit versions of PixInsight are obsolete and no longer supported (since more than two years now). No new 32-bit version of PixInsight will be released for any platform. The old 32-bit version that you can download from our software distribution site is still provided for convenience, but we don't support it.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team