Author Topic: NGC6888 in Ha  (Read 2686 times)

Offline erikgu

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NGC6888 in Ha
« on: 2014 November 03 02:18:22 »

A image of the Cresent Nebula in Ha. The image is captured by use of Boren-Simon 8" f/3.6, Starlight Xpress H9 with a 6nm Ha filter.

Have made a lot of versions where the main challange has been to preserve the details in the outher parts of the nebula, easily burned out. Solved this by a "strong" MaskedStretched so that only reduction of saturation was necessary, mostly curves . One other, for me a not normal steps, was a bit sharpen by using deconvolution with starmask at non linear stage. 

Link to full size:

Erik G

Erik G

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Re: NGC6888 in Ha
« Reply #1 on: 2014 November 03 17:35:23 »
some really nice detail there. good work!


Offline erikgu

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Re: NGC6888 in Ha
« Reply #2 on: 2014 November 03 22:39:30 »
Thank's for looking and the comment Rob.

Erik G

Offline Zocky

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Re: NGC6888 in Ha
« Reply #3 on: 2014 November 08 16:17:54 »
Nice close up. Well done Erik.
Skywatcher ED 80/600 with FF/FR x0.85; HEQ5-pro mount
SBIG ST-8300M, FW5 with Baader LRGB Ha7nm filters

Offline erikgu

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Re: NGC6888 in Ha
« Reply #4 on: 2014 November 10 03:09:25 »
Thank's Zocky, glad you like it!.

Erik G