Author Topic: Problem posting to gallery  (Read 5485 times)

Offline pfile

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Re: Problem posting to gallery
« Reply #15 on: 2014 October 29 19:06:16 »
well it all depends. weird color casts like that can be the result of running HDRMultiscaleTransformation on saturated data. i guess that if your green channel was "hot" in the core (despite having done an HDRComposition) then HDRMT run on RGB can give you that kind of an effect.


Offline cdesselles

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Re: Problem posting to gallery
« Reply #16 on: 2014 October 30 13:28:28 »
Certainly food for thought.  I did feel that I had oversaturated the colors, but i was more worried about the combination of the different images and then the sharpening of the details.  I was planning on a new revision anyway.  In fact, you may have seen several versions already on Astrobin (Poppa-Chris)
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