Author Topic: Wide-field Veil Nebula  (Read 1984 times)

Offline twade

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Wide-field Veil Nebula
« on: 2014 October 25 19:22:15 »
To all,

It's been a while since I've posted a new image.  Mother Nature rarely cooperates during the New Moon in the Pacific Northwest.   :(

This is an integration of ten frames taken with a modified 5D2 at ISO 1600.  Each frame was 360 seconds long and taken through a FSQ 106ED refractor.  Unfortunately, there was a steady wind of 20-25 mph with occasional gusts.  I was quite surprised at how well the Astro-Physics mount handled the conditions.  The transparency was reduced slightly at times due to very thing cirrus.  Overall, I'm quite pleased with the image given the conditions that were stacked against me.  Hopefully, I'll be able to gather more data under better conditions in the future.

Here's a high resolution version.

Thanks for looking,
