Author Topic: Rgb working spaces. Color management and icc  (Read 2334 times)

Offline cdavid

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Rgb working spaces. Color management and icc
« on: 2014 September 24 21:22:56 »
Hi everyone

I've read everything I can find on the web about these things and Pixinsight. The technical discussions tend to go over my head but I think I have the basic idea...please correct me if I'm off here....

1. RGBWS is used to define parameters for calculations during processing. Hence for things like creating a pseudo luminance from RGB channels.  It is set to sRGB as default for various reasons but better for our use would be 1:1:1 or even smaller G channel weight. Is this correct?

2.  Color management: here I get confused but I gather it defines how we see things on our monitors. So I have a calibrated Mac that I used colormunki to calibrate and create a profile. I have set this profile in Pixinsight. So when I finish processing an image...does this calibrated profile get embedded? How do I make sure others will see the image on the web the way I see it? Should I convert to sRGB or send my profile with the image?

3. Lastly ICC really confuses me. I think they are used to define how the image is calculated to appear on another monitor or printer.  Is this correct?

I have a company that prints my images for me, they have an ICC called deep sky for astro images. Should I be converting my images into this ICC prior to sending them for printing?

Thank you in advance for any enlightenment
