Author Topic: Mac Retina screen, Mushed dialog boxes  (Read 3890 times)

Offline Greeps

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Mac Retina screen, Mushed dialog boxes
« on: 2014 September 23 13:36:21 »
I use a Macbook Pro with a retina screen.
When I run tools with drop down areas, the boxes get badly mushed.  Sometimes I can enter things, sometimes not.
Here's an example.
Is there a fix?.

Offline Greeps

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Re: Mac Retina screen, Mushed dialog boxes
« Reply #1 on: 2014 September 24 05:50:46 »
More on squashed dialog boxes.
It occurs most often on collapsable boxes within a tool or scrip. When the collapsable box expand icon is clicked, a portion of the box contents apear in a much larger font size for just a split second before being resized to the correct font size matching the rest of the tool's text.  It is displayed and changes far too quickly for me to get a screen capture.

There have been no replies to this post.  The problem is recent. I reinstalled Pixinsight a couple of weeks ago due to an error that caused Pixinsight to abruptly throw an error message then exit as soon as the error box was cleared.  Just reinstalling PI didn't help, I had to use a 3rd party app to remove every trace of PI then reinstall it to eliminate the crashing problem.  I don't remember ever seeing the squashed boxes before. 

If there are no replies, I will try removing PI completely again and reinstall from scratch. If anyone has suggestions, I'd appreciate them.



Offline Russ

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Re: Mac Retina screen, Mushed dialog boxes
« Reply #2 on: 2014 September 24 08:19:26 »
Hi David,

Until you posted your message, I hadn't noticed this problem. I just opened the catalog star generator, and the dialog boxes look exactly the same as yours. I also use a MacBook Pro, Retina. My system is 10.9.5. Judging from the thread that is tabulating users by type of OS, there are a lot of MacBook owners who use PixInsight and who must be in the same boat. I hope that some genius will notice this thread and pass along a solution.

Russ Carpenter

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Re: Mac Retina screen, Mushed dialog boxes
« Reply #3 on: 2014 September 24 08:27:06 »
Thanks Russ.

You've just save me removing and reinstalling PI.

You'll see the effect on many of he expandable boxes, but not all of them.

I can go through and make a list for the PI staff if it will help them to eliminate this.  It makes it some tools difficult to use and some impossible except for the default settings.


Offline cs_pixinsight

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Re: Mac Retina screen, Mushed dialog boxes
« Reply #4 on: 2014 September 24 12:36:19 »
This also happens on normal MacBook Pros (ie without a Retina screen).  I reported this several months ago and Juan was going to look into it, but haven't heard anything about it and I have just been staying away from the scripts that have this issue or use a PC.


Offline Greeps

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Re: Mac Retina screen, Mushed dialog boxes
« Reply #5 on: 2014 September 24 14:20:38 »
Well I just found that when the dialog box expands, the overall box doesn't expand.  I grabbed the bottom of the main box with the mouse and pulled downward and the whole thing expanded, those crushed boxes were no longer crushed.  Maybe this isn't a big deal after all.  I'll check some other dialogs.
