This is getting far beyond my ability to comprehend. Let me tell you what I do know.
1. I ran the noise script and both linear files look the same.
2. If you look at the histograms of the two linear files. The one run without Dark Optimization has a much broader curve and looks like it is already partially stretched. That is, the start of the peak is near zero. The linear file with Dark Optimization has a much narrower peak and is shifted well to the right on the expanded histogram. Perhaps I could upload these fits files and have someone do a more technical analysis.
3. My darks are the same duration as my lights. That's the way I was instructed. If that's not correct, let me know.
4. Once I do the stretch (MaskedStretch), the files look almost identical. The histograms are slightly different, but not much.
5. When fully processed, Pi and PS, again the images look the same. I see no difference in quality, resolution, detail, etc.
Just judging from the histograms of the linear files, I would not do the Dark Optimization. My thinking is the broader initial histogram is a better way to start. What do you think?