Author Topic: Pelican Nebula in Narrow Band  (Read 2562 times)

Offline Alfredo Beltran

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Pelican Nebula in Narrow Band
« on: 2014 September 07 15:41:35 »
Hi everyone

I want to share with you this image in Hubble pallete (Red SII, Green Ha and Blue OIII) of the Pelican Nebula.

It was taken with a Baader Modified Canon T1i DSLR and a hyperstar at f2.3 on a C925 EdgeHD. Mount is an iOptron iEQ45.

For this image I extracted the Red channel in the Ha and SII RAW images and the Green channel in the OIII RAW images. Then I did the same for the Red channel or Green of the bias, dark and flat frames in order to produce the master red (or green) dark, flat or bias. The mentioned channel of the RAW files were calibrated with these masters.

This procedure produced a very clean (for a DSLR) Ha, OIII and SII images. Then those monochrome images were combined using the Hubble Pallete R (SII), G (Ha), B (OIII). After that, the image was processed using the usual work flow.

This processing gave much better results than debayering the RAW files in the usual way and after that extracting the desired channel. I think it is because it didn't average the channels that don't receive signal with the ones that do.

Here it is also the version in HaRGB:

Best regards,


iOptron CEM60
Celestron 925 EdgeHD Hyperstar
MicroTouch Focuser
Bogota, Colombia

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Pelican Nebula in Narrow Band
« Reply #1 on: 2014 September 07 19:55:41 »
Hi Alfredo, nice images.

You can try this formula that Troy has shared about magenta in stars.

Saludos, Alejandro.

Offline Alfredo Beltran

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Re: Pelican Nebula in Narrow Band
« Reply #2 on: 2014 September 08 19:12:56 »
Hi Alejandro

That's an excellent tool. Thanks for sharing the link!

I tried and liked the result on the stars, but not on the rest of the image. I see that what it does is to match the Green and red histograms, taking care of the magenta cannel.

May be after reprocessing again it would produce a better result.

Quite impressive, powerful and simple tool!

Best regards,

iOptron CEM60
Celestron 925 EdgeHD Hyperstar
MicroTouch Focuser
Bogota, Colombia

Offline pfile

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Re: Pelican Nebula in Narrow Band
« Reply #3 on: 2014 September 09 09:44:27 »
you need to apply that formula thru a suitable star mask...
