Hi Carlos,
When I preprocess my lights using my Library MasterBias, the new darks (Bias subtracted), and Flats etc...
There are different ways to do the calibration, but the "normal" way it's done in PixInsight is to NOT subtract the bias from the darks when creating the master dark - just integrate the dark frames with no prior calibration. That way the master dark includes the bias signal. This is how it's done if you use the BatchPreProcessing script, for example. If you do subtract the master bias from the darks before or after integrating them, you will need to subtract the master bias from the lights during the light calibration step too. Otherwise you just subtract the non-bias corrected master dark from the lights, and the bias signal is subtracted automatically. Either way, the master flat MUST be bias corrected, and I believe this is done in BatchPreProcessing before the individual flats are integrated.
I at times get the no correlation between master dark and target ...
It is pretty normal to see this message when the master dark is subtracted from the flats, assuming your flats are much shorter exposures than your darks. It indicates that the noise (hot pixels, etc.) found in the master dark was not found in the flat. If this message occurs when the master dark is subtracted from the lights, it indicates something is not right ...
When saving the master bias- should it be saved as 32 bit floating, 16 bit Integer, signed, fixed? (I read a post where the raw dslr images were 16 bit and the MasterBias 32 bit Floating and this led to issues)
The master bias should be saved as 32 bit floating point. It's OK if your raw DSLR images are in a different format (I think the 1000D uses 14 bit integer). Be sure to select 32-bit floating point in the Sample format field of the Output Files section in the ImageCalibration tool. You can also tell ImageCalibration that the lights are raw files but typing "raw cfa" (without the quotes) in the Input hints field of the Format Hints section of ImageCalibration, but this doesn't seem to be strictly necessary. The raw DSLR files will be calibrated properly and from that point on the intermediate files will all be 32-bit floating point.
Similarly...the darks and flats....16 bit Integer, 32 bit floating???
All calibration files should be saved as 32-bit floating point, but again it's OK that your raw DSLR image files are not.
When using the Masterdark should the optimized box be unchecked or checked? I tend not to get the correlation warning when unchecked.
Dark optimization is sort of an advanced subject, probably best to leave the box unchecked for now. If you check it, leave the Optimization Threshold set at zero for now. Using a non-zero Optimization Threshold requires that you first determine the correct non-zero value, as described by Juan in this thread:
http://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?topic=7365.msg49400#msg49400Also, if you haven't already, make sure your DSLR_RAW preferences are set as in this screenshot:
http://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2570.0;attach=6941;image. To set the DSLR_RAW preferences, go to the Format Explorer, click on DSLR_RAW in the format list, and click the Edit Preferences button at the bottom of the panel.